G-d Bless the Comedians

The Talmud contains a fascinating story about an act that is apparently so important and noble that it GUARANTEES the one who performs it a spot in the World to Come (Heaven). Which singular action could be so powerful and meaningful? Does a Jew have to donate major sums of his money to earn his place … Continue reading G-d Bless the Comedians

5 Best Purim Blog Posts

Happy Purim! In case you missed them, here are my five best Purim blogs: 1. The Happiness of Rosh Chodesh Rosh Chodesh (the beginning of a new Jewish month) teaches us about the resiliency of the Jewish people and the righteousness of women. 2. G-d Bless the Comedians Do you know which singular action is … Continue reading 5 Best Purim Blog Posts

Atheism’s Least Favorite Science

There are several well-known personalities who have become famous, in part, by challenging the existence of God and organized religion. Science is often used to discredit the validity of God, by pitting evolution vs. creation theory, or demanding scientific evidence of God’s existence, etc. This tactic continues today, despite religious leaders such as Rabbi Jonathan … Continue reading Atheism’s Least Favorite Science